2016年5月14日 星期六

Linkit ONE - 1. setup env

1. Reference MediaTek lab's instruction 
2. download Arduino IDE 1.6.6
3. install Arduino IDE 1.6.6
    After installed, open Arduino, and set language as English and then continue setup other board reference process.
    The default language will reference to your system language.
    My case is Chinese, and it will cause some error(unmatched braces in the pattern) while download board SDK from board manager.
4. Update your boards' firmware
    If you can not update it success, please check
    a. check device manager, make sure there are two COM port in your system
    b. try to open Modem COM port with teraterm,   if you can not open it, uninstall USB COM driver and reinstall it again.
    c. if FW programmer can not process correctly after disconnect and connect LinkIt, you may try to use RESET button instead of reconnect.

幹~~1.6.6裝起來預設就是中文,然後後面要下載SDK都會出現Error(unmatched braces in the pattern),這邊卡很久。後來Google後發現,要先把IDE的介面換成英文就好了

然後FW update那邊也卡住,Win8不知道為啥,版子接上去都會偵測到>斷掉>偵測到,這樣幾次,每次更新都是Time out。後來網路上有人說用Reset button取代重新連線,也沒效。
這時候用Teraterm去開版子的COM port才發現,裝置管理員看得到,可是我無法開啟,所以移除重裝USB COM driver,然後配上Reset button就可以更新FW了。



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